What is Camélia Images?
Are stock photos illegal?
Camelia Images is a key provider of high-quality stock photography for any possible project you can imagine. Our team produces trendy content on a daily basis that covers the most relevant and updated topics. We aspire to fulfill the brightest, most prominent ideas by combining a creative approach and qualitative implementation.
What is a stock photo?
Although a stock photo is a generic picture, its purpose is to cover a specific topic. This way, you may incorporate it into any relevant project you are working on. The stock images are versatile for business tasks, such as marketing or advertising, or even personal projects, such as blogs or websites illustration, or social network content updates. Whether your project is commercial or non-commercial, they fit; however, please make sure you use the correct license type.The stock photos are illegal only in the case you download the images without permission and use them in your project. All the pictures are copyrighted, which means someone owns them. You can buy a license on our website to avoid any possible legal issues with the stock images you download. We offer two types of licenses, a Standard and an Extended one.
What license do I need?You can download any files from Africa Images under Standard or Extended license. Each type of license determines how the downloaded material can be used.
The Standard License grants you the right to use the content to create all types of products, except products for resale or free redistribution (printed reproductions - up to 500K number of copies, outdoor advertising - up to 500K number of screenings, digital reproductions - unlimited).
The Extended License is required when using content to create a product that will be resold or redistributed. Extended License includes rights from the Standard License and, in addition, does not have any limits in the number of screenings, uses, or circulation.
More about each type of license here.